Exposure. Implosions. Explosion. During the last few weeks of 2022 and coming into the new year, I heard those three words repeatedly in my spirit as I pushed through a season of travail over the complicity of sin in our nation, even by leaders in the Church. I believe the Lord was telling me: 1. […]
How our posture and perspective can position us for breakthrough! This time of year, many of us reflect on our lives, taking an honest assessment of the ways we have overcome challenges and examining our shortcomings. But reflecting on the past without perspective often leaves us with regrets. We all have regrets. I know I […]
“Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness. And for His wonderful works to the children of men! For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm 107:8-9) As we enter into Thanksgiving week, many traditionally look forward to spending time celebrating with family and friends. […]
The devil wants your vision, your strength! But the Lord wants your limp. In 1 Samuel 11, we read how Nahash the Ammonite came against the people of Jabesh Gilead, blockading them and backing them up against a corner, so to speak. With their backs against the wall, they were willing to make a covenant […]
I originally wrote and published this article prior to Purim 2021. I believe it is a message that resonates even more today. Purim 2022 began at sunset, March 16, and ended at sundown on Thursday, March 17. Synagogues and homes around the world will have read the entire book of Esther for Purim to celebrate […]
The unexpected detours in our lives can actually be providential distractions, if we are sensitive to the moment. In 2015, when I was battling stage four lymphoma, I told my family, “It’s a ministry we didn’t ask for, but it’s a ministry nonetheless.” As we made our regular trips to M.D. Anderson for chemotherapy and […]