June 14 through July 12, 2018, is the fourth month in the Jewish ecclesiastical calendar. July 1 in our Gregorian calendar this year is Tzom Tammuz, which is the 17th day of the month of Tammuz. It is recognized with a fast commemorating the breach of the walls before the destruction of the second Temple. […]
A New Year’s Perspective: Regardless of what you have been through, remember you cannot change the past but the choices you make each day defines your future. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 KJV) “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for, being […]
Sometimes we don’t realize the significance of certain moments until later when they become landmarks in our spiritual journey that encourage us where we are and where we’re going. They remind us God is always faithful so we do not let circumstances limit or discourage us—they remind us He has been with us all along. […]
Doug and Lisa Stringer received the Founder’s Faithful Award at the annual Christian Men’s Network “Lions Roar” in November. “We honor those who have stood in the gap, who have been faithful, who have lived out 2 Timothy 2:2, that God is looking for faithful men.” Click here to see the complete presentation on video.
by Dr. Doug Stringer & Dr. Jodie Chiricosta When we forget our computer password for some indispensable app, or we think our information has been compromised, we can ask for a reset. After a series of questions, sometimes an image verification, and maybe updating various contact information – you enter a new password and are […]
(Adapted and extrapolated from a previously published article by Doug Stringer in 2015) A Lasting, Inward Change For any change to be lasting and meaningful, it must come from an inward change. The nation and the Church need a revival of character. We need leaders who love the people they are called to serve more […]
We live in a nation divided. Division, fighting, and factions not only mark our nation but also the Church. The only answer to a nation divided is a Church united! We invite churches across America to join us for Reconciliation Week, August 6-11, through intentional times of prayer and intercession. Here are ways you can […]
Reflecting on this July 4th, I’m reminded of how much I have to be grateful for. I’m grateful for all the sacrifices made by so many for the liberties and freedoms we all enjoy today. I’m also reminded by the words of our first President, George Washington. “We have God to thank for America’s Birthday.” […]
As children, we all had a tendency to excuse our own bad behaviors, or to project or shift blame when we were caught doing something we shouldn’t have been doing. It’s only with maturity that we become willing to accept responsibility for our own actions. As a mentor and friend, the late Dr. Edwin Louis […]