America is at a critical juncture and crossroads. Sadly, too many have been lulled to sleep in apathy and lethargy. Rather, it is a time when we should quit pushing our snooze buttons and awaken from our slumber. The late A.W. Tozer, in his article on “The Gift of Prophetic Insight” said; “What God says […]
You can now download these books by doug stringer on Amazon.Com: Hope For A Fatherless Generation, Who’s Your Daddy Now?, Born To Die that we may live & Living Life Well; The Spirit of the 10 Commandments. We believe these books not only address the issues of our generation, but the critical importance of fixing […]
Hope For A Fatherless Generation book Though the title of this book addresses a very critical issue, this book is also a State of the Nation, State of the Church & State of the Generation Address. It speaks with a prophetic insight and challenge for the days we are living. Our nation faces perilous times, […]
“In this world of complexities and challenges–where excellence battles with mediocrity, where vision and hope are robbed by lethargy and apathy—we need to know we are standing on the unshakable foundation of our faith. Sadly, many Christians today are faltering in their faith because of biblical illiteracy and because of lack a love for truth. […]
Reflecting on this July 4th, I’m reminded of how much I have to be grateful for. Many will greet one another with a “Happy 4th of July”, will display flags, have BBQ’s, picnics, attend parties & of course watch the magnificent displays of fire works. I wonder though, just how many will actually comprehend the […]
I believe we are living in some critical and challenging times. We are in need of Courageous Leaders who recognize the importance of investing in a cause greater than themselves. From Preachers to Politicians, from Pulpits to Political offices…and all in between, we need a Revival of Character. Doug Stringer