The Great Exchange Perhaps you are still asking yourself: Is what Jesus did on the cross 2000 years ago really pertinent to me today? Many professing Christians evidence little excitement or appreciation for the work of Christ on the cross. If you could place a hidden camcorder in most churches, you would see lots of […]
Around this time of year we hear all about resolutions. As people look toward the future, they want to resolve (meaning, to come to a firm decision), to change things for the better. Most resolutions people make for a new year have to do with getting back to basics. Whether it’s their diet, health, habits, […]
The Gospel is more remarkable than we could ever imagine! Christians have usually tasted only a fraction of what the Gospel is meant to provide. This has been described as someone who wades in a shallow stream and thinks he has experienced the depths of the ocean. As Paul encouraged the Ephesians, we serve a […]
The Perfect Sacrifice Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, sin and temptation have produced a constant battleground in this world. What started as life in a beautiful garden was quickly turned into an existence characterized by sweat and tears. Peace was replaced by pain. Provision was replaced by poverty. Harmony was replaced by […]