Dear Friends and fellow servant leaders,
I am thankful for your courageous and persevering leadership in the midst of national and global challenges. This is why I am forwarding to you the attached letter and update onPRAY and ACT. I am one of over 90 national leaders who are signers and calling the nation to a 40 day season of prayer and fasting to begin this Monday, Sept 20 till Saturday, Oct 30.
Pastor Jim Garlow, a champion and longtime friend, has asked me to forward this to you. Would you take the time to read the attached letter and consider joining in the next webcast with leaders from across our nation. Would you forward this letter to your sphere of influence? Can you post it on your website?
Your Fellow servant,
Dr. Doug Stringer
Founder / President
Somebody Cares America / International
May I encourage you to view the first PRAY AND ACT webcast by going to and clicking on PRAY AND ACT ( ) It was held last Sunday, Sept 12 at the Greater New Hope Baptist Church – located in Washington, DC, only a few blocks from the US Capital – which graciously allowed its auditorium to become a television studio. The 15 speakers / presenters, one being Chuck Colson, were exceptional. Please circulate the link to your constituency, encouraging them to fast and pray.
The next PRAY AND ACT webcast will be this Sunday night, Sept 19th – 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific – and can be viewed at – and will feature many outstanding presenters. Once again, may we ask you to announce this and help spread the word?
Praying with you for the next great awakening,
Jim Garlow
Pastor, Skyline Church, San Diego
Chairman, Renewing American Leadership, Washington, DC