SALT COVENANT – SALTY CHRISTIANS by doug stringer Salt is an essential micronutrient for our bodies. Many of our internal chemical processes are dependent upon the presence of adequate amounts of salt. Without a proper intake of salt, many of our body’s functions would be thrown into utter disarray. Our muscles would start cramping, […]
Antinomianismo es la creencia de que bajo la dispensación de la gracia, la ley moral no sirve de nada, y rechaza una moralidad establecida socialmente. ¡Levántate Iglesia! Hebreos 10:26-29 se refiere a esto como pisotear al Hijo de Dios y tener por inmunda la sangre del pacto (profanando la santa sangre que Cristo ha derramado […]
Por Doug Stringer Publicado en Consecration Teachings, Agosto 5, 2009 La oración eficaz del justo puede mucho. (Santiago 5:16b NVRV). “La oración es mucho más que entregarle una lista de peticiones a Dios. Si usted quiere resultados que hagan temblar la tierra, se le pedirá que pase por dolores de parto hasta que el […]
by Doug Stringer 9/10/12 Recently, I published an article titled Before The Lights Go Out and the Presence of God Departs the Nation (published by Charisma as “Is the Glory of God Departing from US?”), which paralleled our current cultural climate with the time in Israel’s history described in 1 Samuel 4. During this period […]
WHAT IS AMERICAN PATRIOTISM? PATRIOT DAY-September 11, 2012 by Doug Stringer September 11th has become known as Patriot Day, a day for remembering all those who were impacted, injured, or who lost their lives during the tragic terrorist attacks against the U.S. on September 11, 2001. (Note: Patriot Day is different from Patriots’ Day, a […]
A Samuel Generation to Save America & Reconfirm God’s Covenant: Samuel was instrumental to the reconfirming of God’s covenant with Israel following Hophni and Phineas’ destructive leadership tenure. Samuel represented a new generation—a righteous priesthood to replace that which was profaned. He was an uncompromised, prophetic voice of courage used by God to call the […]
I had the pleasure of meeting and ministering with Stephan Tchividjian (eldest grandson of Billy Graham) when he spoke at the annual vision dinner for Hill Country Daily Bread near San Antonio, Texas a few years ago. He often says, “Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.” This explains what we see happening more and more […]
There is many a lesson we can learn from this nursery rhyme: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again.” Psalm 20:7 reminds us not to put our trust in the power of man: “Some trust in chariots, and […]
An encouragement & tribute to our seniors that God Has Not Forgotten Them: While many may not have heard about National Senior Citizens Day, it occurs every year on August 21st. Initiated by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, this day is set apart to acknowledge the life-long contributions our nation’s seniors have made to […]