By Doug Stringer In April I received the news from my doctor that I was diagnosed with stage 4 B-Cell lymphoma cancer. My aggressive chemotherapy treatments began on June 16, right after I returned from serving as coordinator of The Response South Carolina in Charleston. Surrounded throughout this time by the love and prayers of […]
A Lasting, Inward Change For any change to be lasting and meaningful, it must come from an inward change. The nation and the Church need a revival of character. We need leaders who love the people they are called to serve more than they love being served. An external change made only for show will […]
Over the July 4th weekend I joined Roosevelt Muriel from Colombia, as well as other pastors and leaders from various nations as they gathered in Philadelphia to pray for America. They wanted to meet in Philadelphia because it was home to the first Supreme Court, the first federal capital before Washington, D.C., and the birthplace […]
¡Saludos! En un instante, en algún momento en el tiempo, la vida cambia para siempre. Tal fue el caso hace poco de aquellos que fueron afectados directamente por el “bombardeo Boston” y por la explosión en West, Texas. ¿Qué sucede cuando experimentamos la tragedia, una pérdida repentina, o incluso retrocesos temporales? Con el apoyo y […]
WHAT IS AMERICAN PATRIOTISM? PATRIOT DAY-September 11, 2012 by Doug Stringer September 11th has become known as Patriot Day, a day for remembering all those who were impacted, injured, or who lost their lives during the tragic terrorist attacks against the U.S. on September 11, 2001. (Note: Patriot Day is different from Patriots’ Day, a […]
An encouragement & tribute to our seniors that God Has Not Forgotten Them: While many may not have heard about National Senior Citizens Day, it occurs every year on August 21st. Initiated by President Ronald Reagan in 1988, this day is set apart to acknowledge the life-long contributions our nation’s seniors have made to […]
I just had a very good phone conversation with Thomas Wang, President Emeritus of The Great Commission Center International. They authored “America, Return To God”. A total of 550,000 copies have been distributed to American leaders of all professions. He says, “If God can use a reluctant Jonah to call Nineveh into repentance, He will […]
As cold water to a weary soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25 (NKJ) This month Lisa and I have a multi-city, multi-nation trip that touches the nations. We truly are journeying together for His Kingdom and His glory. I am expectant for what the Lord does through these few weeks! Please […]
“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.” ~ John Quincy Adams Every piece of currency issued in America proclaims, “In God we trust.” But trusting in God requires much more than lip service; it is a lifetime […]