The Great Exchange Perhaps you are still asking yourself: Is what Jesus did on the cross 2000 years ago really pertinent to me today? Many professing Christians evidence little excitement or appreciation for the work of Christ on the cross. If you could place a hidden camcorder in most churches, you would see lots of […]
Around this time of year we hear all about resolutions. As people look toward the future, they want to resolve (meaning, to come to a firm decision), to change things for the better. Most resolutions people make for a new year have to do with getting back to basics. Whether it’s their diet, health, habits, […]
Revision of Original article by Doug Stringer, November 1996, in advance of 40 Days at Houston Prayer Mountain “When God finds someone with courage to pray, preach, and live a life before Him of holiness and compassion, He can literally change the face of a nation.” (Winkie Pratney, Revival, p. 117) What is required on […]
SALT COVENANT – SALTY CHRISTIANS by doug stringer Salt is an essential micronutrient for our bodies. Many of our internal chemical processes are dependent upon the presence of adequate amounts of salt. Without a proper intake of salt, many of our body’s functions would be thrown into utter disarray. Our muscles would start cramping, […]
INSULTING the SPIRIT of GRACE Antinomianism is the belief that, under dispensation of grace, the moral law is of no use and thus rejects a socially established morality. Wake up, Church! Hebrews 10:26-29 refers to this as trampling underfoot the Son of God, counting the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing (profaning the […]
I just had a very good phone conversation with Thomas Wang, President Emeritus of The Great Commission Center International. They authored “America, Return To God”. A total of 550,000 copies have been distributed to American leaders of all professions. He says, “If God can use a reluctant Jonah to call Nineveh into repentance, He will […]
I believe we are living in some critical and challenging times. We are in need of Courageous Leaders who recognize the importance of investing in a cause greater than themselves. From Preachers to Politicians, from Pulpits to Political offices…and all in between, we need a Revival of Character. Doug Stringer
The Response: Five Strategic Steps and Four Areas of Preparation Joel 1:14 & 1:13 The Five Strategic Steps Joel 1:14 Consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God, and cry out to the LORD. God has five-steps He […]